Tom Vojak & Tomas Hozman in Tomas Hozman Endures Shocking Voltage - KinkMen
5 years agoTom Vojak & Tomas Hozman in Tomas Hozman Endures Shocking Voltage - KinkMen
5 years ago
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Tom Vojak
In the second round of his encounter with Tom Vojak Tomas Hozman is attached to the St Andrew's cross, naked. Tom has some special action in mind for Tomas and attaches electrodes to the ring around his hard cock. Turning on the power makes that cock throb and Tomas twitch as it surges through him. Tom wanks the cock a little and repeats the power surge, laughing to himself as he sees the response. Tomas really feels is, and breathers heavily as he rests a little. Tom takes a candle and drips some hot wax onto Tomas' chest before turning the power on again, making Tomas' dick twitch, his legs going weak as he feels it. The candle is then used to drip wax onto Tomas throbbing cock, before he feels the power go through it again. Each time the electricity is turned on that big cock really bounces around, staying rock hard all the while.
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