Rego Bello & Adrian Suarez in I'm All Yours - PrideStudios
5 years agoRego Bello & Adrian Suarez in I'm All Yours - PrideStudios
5 years ago
Sponsored by Pride Studios
Pride Studios
Rego has come home from a day of shopping with his family and as he shares his day with his lover Adrian Suarez, he lets him know that he is very tired and probably not in the mood for sex. However, when he lies down next to Adrian he caves and tells him that 'I'm all yours...' and with that they start making out. Adrian sucks Rego's big cock first and then Rego starts sucking Adrian's cock and then puts him on all fours and rims his ass. He fucks Adrian from behind in the first position and then Adrian rides his cock for a while before lying on his back and they fuck until both cum.
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