Avalon Barrie,Lyudmila Shiryaeva in Sappho (2008)
10 years agoAvalon Barrie,Lyudmila Shiryaeva in Sappho (2008)
10 years ago
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And? What comes next? It's lost. We'll never know. Perhaps we should decide for ourselves Sappho is a provocative and passionate love story set in the 1920s - not to be watched with children or with parents. Millionaire's daughter Sappho Lovell arrives on the Greek island of Lesbos for her honeymoon with her artist husband Phil. There she meets Helene, the daughter of a Russian archaeologist, and she falls in love with her. As our three lovers live out a complex girl-boy-girl sexual triangle, Sappho also comes to believe that she is the reincarnation of the ancient poetess Sappho - that Sappho who first put the lesbian in Lesbos. However, our modern Sappho does realize how the ancient Sappho's legend ends... Inspired by the poems of Sappho
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