Mercedes Carrera & Markus Dupree in Cock Out Cop Out - 8thStreetLatinas
6 years agoMercedes Carrera & Markus Dupree in Cock Out Cop Out - 8thStreetLatinas
6 years ago
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8th Street Latinas
Calling all units, calling all units. Please be advised that Officer Carrera is reporting a possible 314 in vicinity of Rodbold Avenue. Suspect is classified as a Caucasian male with a thin build and thick cock. Carrera is attempting to apprehend perpetrator and has requested no additional backup. Male appears to be a foreign national and Carrera is remedying the situation - with force if necessary. Hold Carrera now radioing that she has apprehended the suspect and is restraining him bodily? Reports are coming in 5x5 that Carrera is now being bent over her cruiser and being fucked with a nightstick. Officer going down on suspect! Cumshots fired! Repeat, facial in progress! Code 80085! All units, report to Officer Carrera's 20 for immediate clean-up!
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