Trenton Ducati & Brandon Wilde in Football Hero Video
9 years agoTrenton Ducati & Brandon Wilde in Football Hero Video
9 years ago
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Brandon Wilde gets called in to see the team's physiotherapist Dr. Ducati, to have him check out an insidious pain in the player's leg. Brandon soon learns that the real reason Dr. Ducati has asked to see him was because the physiotherapist caught Brandon in the showers fucking his teammate Alexander Greene. In order for Trenton Ducati to keep Brandon's secret, Brandon has to let the doctor examine every part of his body... including his pink hole. Brandon tries to resist, but Dr. Ducati's powerful tongue and body overpowers him. Soon the doctor has the small footballer pinned with his legs up over his head on the examination table, with his tongue darting deep into the spread asshole. Brandon is so turned on that hungrily wraps his pink lips around Trenton's thick dick. Brandon can't wait to get a full body examination and he rides the doctor until they both explode.
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