NakedKombat Spencer Reed vs Dustin Michaels and Karter James
10 years agoNakedKombat Spencer Reed vs Dustin Michaels and Karter James
10 years ago
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Naked Kombat
We were ready for our first tag team match then one fighter got sick. Instead of calling the match, brave Spencer Reed decides to take on both Dustin Michaels and Karter James all by himself. Spencer, who is no stranger to Naked Kombat, is older and more experienced than his two opponents. Big Dustin Michaels is a farmboy and he's not a pushover with some wrestling experience. Karter James is a competitive swimmer. He's tall and lean with very strong legs. Will Spencer beat both newbies and fuck them? Or will the young bucks make Spencer their bitch for the day? (18+)
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