Circle of Trust - HazeHim
8 years agoCircle of Trust - HazeHim
8 years ago
Sponsored by Haze Him
Haze Him
College students would do almost anything to be accepted into their school s fraternities. This week s submission shows no different. Seeing what these poor pledges have to endure in order to become part of the elite crowd sometimes makes you think, 'Am I really willing to suck dick or allow another guy to grab my Johnson?' The reality is for some people being a winner, being a respected individual on campus means so much that they are willing to compromise their sexuality and partake in these activities. This week we have a pretty wild submission. We chose this video to be among our winners because these frat boys had it all. They hazed and humiliated their pledges in ways that, well, are pretty creative and down right amusing. Naked push ups, wrestling and sit ups are among some of the things these poor wanna be frat boys had to survive in order to call themselves brothers. But what really takes the cake in this video is the 'Trust Circle': pretty much the pledges blindfolded themselves and sat naked in a circle with their mouths wide open trusting that their soon-to-be brother wouldn t do anything funky to them. See what happens... (18+)
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