Dean Tucker vs James HamiltonThe Mud Match
8 years agoDean Tucker vs James HamiltonThe Mud Match
8 years ago
Sponsored by Naked Kombat
Naked Kombat
Nice guy Dean Tucker battles the sarcastic and careless James Hamilton. Dean Tucker is a sweetheart -- but don't let that fool you when he steps on to the mat. He packs a surprising arsenal of moves from his days as a college kick boxer, and there's nothing nice about the way he unleashes them. James brings his street-fighting mentality to the Naked Kombat ring, but it only goes to show that you need more than an attitude to stay on top here. Yes - he's the bad-ass in the Naked Kombat opening titles. A close match throughout, you won't want to miss the final mud round in which each combatant is covered from head-to-toe, and is made to abandon their strengths in favor of anything that will keep them from being the bottom.
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