All Hail To The Ungloryhole - UnGloryHole
8 years agoAll Hail To The Ungloryhole - UnGloryHole
8 years ago
Sponsored by Un Glory Hole
Un Glory Hole
Today we re trying to get Cody the best blow-job he s ever had in his life. The Ungloryhole takes on all cummers. He has a girl but Cody is kind of tired of the same old thing. This guy wants to spice up his life. Fuck it! Why not stick your dick through a hole in the wall. That ll do the trick. We let him know there s a sexy chick waiting. So he walks to the back of the adult store and enters the room of the Ungloryhole. What a fool. He really thinks the sexy Alexis Faux is doing the cock-sucking. Not! Cody shoves his cock through the wall and Andrew takes over. The way Cody moaned. Seemed like Andrew really gave him what we said he ll get. That s an awesome blow-job. Enjoy!
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